New Year Resolution as a Geomatics Student (programmer)

In the year 2021, I am planning to do a lot of programming pieces of stuff which I must do at any cost. As I am now admitted to a German University, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences for my master's in Geomatics, I am obliged to be a better programmer.
From the month of January, I will start my month with Leaflet which will also help me in the project of my course module Web Mapping. As a part of my courses, I will also focus on Java Programming.
In the month of February, there will be a lot of pressure due to university exams. But I will not give up my hands. I will learn Javascript, PHP and Bootstrap 3.
In the month of March, I will be concentrated on Django and python programming. I will carry out PostgreSQL tutorials. I will do some GeoDjango project, which I am planning to make my final year project.
In the month of April, I will be fully immersed in React and AngularJS. I will keep my pace on Virtual and augmented reality by using the framework and many more.
In the month of May, I will find the scripts on Arcpy and QGIS python programming and do all the kinds of stuff. I want to make my profile as a map and web developer and won’t let no stone unturned to let this happen.
I will take a half-hour of every day in writing a note on what I did on the specific date. I would make one folder under my computer and write the full details of what I performed every day.
In June, I will review all my works and knowledge on these things which I had performed since January. We are going to do a project in the second semester on Developing Mobile App on Nature Conservation using QML. So I will give half of June to accomplish my reading on QML.
For the month of July, I will work on GeoJSON and AJAX.
Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.
I would do some courses on Machine Learning and perform one application on OpenCV. I will do a project named “Detecting leaf condition and accessing it”. I will work on these things and polish my knowledge for the rest of the month this year. If possible I will also work on some projects on Android Studio.
Finish what you start.
I had to do the projects on everything I had learned. I had some projects in my mind that I would develop:
- Leaflet mapping of houses and utilities of Gongabu
- Leaflet mapping of Corona using dot density, proportional, and choropleth method
- Make my own profile website using bootstrap framework, JS, HTML, and others
- A small project on GeoDjango on my own.
- Write 2 reports on my best work.

I will use my time table to accomplish my resolution
- From 7–11 a.m., read the tutorials and develop the programming concept.
- From 11 a.m — 12 p.m, some reading on the module course.
- From 12–8 p.m, Online classes.
- Use half hour in the evening in writing a daily report.
- Use my 2 days of my weekend on Assignments and course reading.
- Give Saturday to my loved one.
There will be a final year thesis after the end of this year. Hence I will make myself prepared for this final year.
These are just a resolution on the programming side. I will spend a lot of time with my family and my wife.
Happy New Year!!!